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What Exorcists & Former Occultists Want You to Know

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For even the casual observer, it is evident that the world, nearly as a whole, is unmoored from obedience to Almighty God. The number of sins, many of which “cry to Heaven for vengeance,” which saturate the culture and the personal lives of the common man are legion, both in their breadth and in their diabolical quality. This spiritual depravity has invited, into the light of day, the Enemy who has always been working in darkness.

The Rise of the Occult presents to the reader an analysis of this emergence of the Enemy, in which Satan has found it to be the time to stir men back to idolatry, superstition, and ritualized hedonism. Witchcraft, Wicca, magic, Satanism, the New Age, astrology, Yoga, manifesting, and all of its countless variations are captivating the minds of modern men for whom the One True God has either been hidden or has been dismissed in favor of the annihilation of morality. It is this moral autonomy, in which man is “free” to “do as thou wilt,” which is the calling card of all forms of occult practice.

In The Rise of the Occult, by the author of the best-selling spiritual warfare book, Slaying Dragons: What Exorcists See & What We Should Know, the reader will learn:

Where is the occult present in the culture today?
How is the occult luring people, especially the youth, to embrace it?
What are the real dangers of even minor dabbling in occult practices?
Are demons truly active in all forms of occult practice, even witchcraft?
How does a person escape the prison which the demons create for occultists?

These questions, and more, will be answered as the reader hears from former occultists, priests (exorcists and pastors) who have helped them, families who have lost children or parents to the occult, and those who have seen the evil spread of the occult amidst their daily activities.

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Creation Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 14:00:49 +0100
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