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L Ron Hubbard 21st American Advanced Clinical Course

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21st American Advanced Clinical Course

Update on 16/1-25

Lecture Series added:
London Congress On Human Problems
9th American ACC
21st American ACC
PTS/SP Course Lectures

Update on 12/01-25:


6th American ACC:
5405C21 - Consideration and Intention: Lecture was not included in the upload.

7th American ACC:
Some pages in the transcripts was in wrong sequence and some pages was missing entirely.
5406C30 - Being Made Nothing and Having to be Something: This lecture had some group processing attached at the end. This has been removed.
3 lectures was named wrongly and is now corrected.

I have re-uploaded both 6th and 7th American ACC. If you have dowloaded the earlier versions, re-download them to get the updates.

Lecture Series added:
Phoenix Lectures

Update on 11/11-24:

The goal is to publish all lecture series currently available from the Church of Scientology. Below here you can find a list of everything published to date. Use it to check if you have everything you want. You can find all of it on this website. Check back regularly for updates. There is now only 12 lecture series left before the project is complete.

Training Lectures:
Study Tapes

Introductory Lectures:
The Golden Dawn: Phoenix Evening Lectures
The Lindsey Theatre Lectures: London Afternoon Series

Basic Lectures:
Dianetics: Lectures and Demonstrations
The Science of Survival Lectures
Special Course in Human Evaluation
Thought, Emotion and Effort
The Life Continuum
Scientology: Milestone One
The Route to Infinity
Technique 88: Incidents on the Track Before Earth
Source of Life Energy
The Command of Theta
The Philadelphia Doctorate Course
The Factors: Admiration & the Renaissance of Beingness
The Unification Congress
Hubbard Professional Course Lectures

First International Congress of Dianeticists & Scientologists
Western Congress
Universe Processes Congress
The Unification Congress
Anatomy of the Spirit of Man Congress
Games Congress
Washington Congress on Anti-Radiation & Confront
London Congress on Nuclear Radiation, Control & Health
Ability Congress
Clearing Congress CD + DVD
London Clearing Congress
Success Congress
Theta Clear Congress
Melbourne Congress
State of Man Congress
London Congress on Dissemination & Help
Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress
South African Anatomy Congress
Clean Hands Congress
Clearing Success Congress

Advanced Clinical Courses:
1st American ACC
2nd American ACC
3rd American ACC
4th American ACC
5th American ACC
6th American ACC
7th American ACC
8th American ACC
Postulates and Live Communication
Axiom of the Stable Datum
4th London ACC
Rehabilitating Power of Choice
The Remedy of Havingness
Application of Games Theory to Processing
15th American ACC
16th American ACC
17th American ACC
20th American ACC
6th London ACC
1st Melbourne ACC
Hubbard Clearing Scientologist
1st Saint Hill ACC
22nd American ACC
3rd South African ACC

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Creation Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 19:57:49 +0100
This is a Multifile Torrent
21st American Advanced Clinical Course Binder Back.jpeg 2.87 MBs
21st American Advanced Clinical Course Binder Content.jpeg 3.11 MBs
21st American Advanced Clinical Course Binder Front.jpeg 3.23 MBs
21st American Advanced Clinical Course Binder Open.jpeg 2.8 MBs
21st American Advanced Clinical Course Master Directory - OCRed and Searchable.pdf 54.4 MBs
21st American Advanced Clinical Course Master Directory - Original Scans.pdf 49.4 MBs
21st American Advanced Clinical Course Transcripts - Lectures 01-11 - OCRed and Searchable.pdf 131.28 MBs
21st American Advanced Clinical Course Transcripts - Lectures 01-11 - Original Scans.pdf 125.92 MBs
5901C26 - How a Process Works.mp3 28.9 MBs
5901C27 - What Doesnt Make an Auditor.mp3 30.1 MBs
5901C28 - The Establishment of R.mp3 35.01 MBs
5901C29 - Muzzled Auditing.mp3 27.91 MBs
5901C30 - The Grouper.mp3 26.64 MBs
5902C02 - Axiom 10.mp3 28.09 MBs
5902C04 - Diagnosis of an Uncracked Case.mp3 34.89 MBs
5902C06 - Processes Used in the 21st ACC.mp3 28.51 MBs
5902C06 - Setting Up Co-Auditing Groups.mp3 36.75 MBs
5902C13 - Summary of Data.mp3 57.47 MBs
5902C16 - Staff Auditors Conference Regarding HCO Bulletin of February 16 1959.mp3 62.25 MBs
Combined File Size: 769.54 MBs
Piece Size: 256 KBs
Comment: Updated by AudioBook Bay
Info Hash: b49277c9741c0b91005e59fe8abe05f1ff9ef4e2
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