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Short Treatise on Political Power (1556) [Libertarianism.Org Classics] John Ponet

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John Ponet (ca. 1514-1556) was the Anglican Bishop of Winchester at a raucous and revolutionary time in English history. King Henry VIII had recently inaugurated the English Reformation and established the Anglican Church, staffed in part at least with emerging radicals like Ponet. When the Catholic Queen Mary I determined to roll back Protestantism, Ponet and hundreds of others fled to Europe. During his exile, Ponet wrote a Short Treatise on Political Power (1556), which argued that the people can and should punish–perhaps even execute–wicked monarchs. Ponet’s tract anticipated great liberal thinkers for centuries to come. By 1776, the Short Treatise rested (well-worn) on many Patriots’ bookshelves.

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Creation Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 20:28:34 +0100
This is a Multifile Torrent
1. From Where Political Power Grows.mp3 24.19 MBs
2. No King or Governor Is Exempted.mp3 30.96 MBs
3. We Must Obey God Rather than Man.mp3 27.56 MBs
4. To Depose and Evil Governor, and Kill a Tyrant.mp3 30.54 MBs
5. O, Miserable England.mp3 30.57 MBs
John Ponet - Short Treatise on Political Power.jpg 67.22 KBs
John Ponet - Short Treatise on Political Power.pdf 1.36 MBs
Combined File Size: 145.26 MBs
Piece Size: 256 KBs
Comment: Updated by AudioBook Bay
Encoding: UTF-8
Info Hash: eda905b0cfa16528aa1d26c8c52c417d0aa00191
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